Application of inhibitors of paraffinotherapy in the development of the Achimov strata productive of gas-condensate fields

Stanislav N. Shevkunov OJSC "NOVATEK" Moscow, Russian Federation
Article is devoted development Achimov gas-condensate deposits, in respect of which is revealed the problem of paraffin deposits on the walls of pipelines and heat exchangers. The basic methods of dealing with the processes of paraffinotherapy, on the basis of analysis with special focus on the use of depressants were considered. Special attention was paid to interaction of the dispersant additives and water. In work were revealed results of experimental-industrial tests of the composition of depressor and dispersant additives and their positive and negativeeffect on the processes of transportation and processing of Achimov gas condensate deposits.
Materials and methods
On the basis of empirical data and published studies were discussed the effectiveness of depressor and dispersant additives.
The effectiveness of using a mixture of depressor and dispersant additives in the extraction, transportation and processing of Achimov gas condensate was proved. It was described the mechanism of action of depressants. Their classification and major brands were published. Based on the data of the practical use of depressants were revealed their main shortcomings. Was proposed the use of the composition of depressor and dispersant additives to remove its defects. Also were proposed solutions to the problems of increasing corrosion activity of gas condensate.
An assessment of the state of the domestic and international markets depressantsand dispersant was presented. In article conducted the analysis of the shortcomings of domestic and imported additives and was made conclusion about the methodology ofselecting the most effective compositions of additives.
For the first time an optimal composition of the formulation the depressor and dispersant additives for transportation Achimov gas condensate was proposed. Specified characteristics of the composition and the methodology of its use in conditions for transportation of gas condensate by pipeline and rail were revealed. The results of this work can be used in the development of Achimov horizon gas condensate fields.
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paraffins pipeline condensate gas condensate pour point depressant additives dispersant additives corrosion Achimov deposits