Perspective technology of pipelines disaster recovery

Vasiliy A. Rybin Tyumen State Oil and Gas University Tyumen, Russian Federation
The increased number of trunk pipelines failures in Russia indicates the occurrence of III stage of the life cycle of pipeline transport, characterized by a sharp decrease in the reliability and the need for urgent repairs. Itrequires the introduction of advanced searching and repair methods, one of which is thewelding defects in the pipe wall cored wires.
Materials and methods
Welding with flux-cored wire.
Studies have shown that the use of welding flux cored wire for repair of surface defects in the pipe wall is preferable than manual arc welding because reduces the depth of the thermal softening of the metal pipe repair area and improve the performance of repair work.
1. Repair the pipe wall using arc welding flux cored wire can increase productivity and quality of repair work.2. Zone of thermal softening in surfacing flux cored wire is substantially less than in surfacing by manual arc welding3. There is a need to develop methods for determining repair pressure in the pipeline considering the depth of the softening temperature when the tube wall surfacing.
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defects in the wall of the pipeline welding flux cored wire