The study of thermal effect from the welding arc on the pipeline wall at repair the "metal loss" defect type

Vasiliy A. Rybin Tyumen State Oil and gas University Tyumen, Russian Federation
Repair of corrosion damage in the pipeline wall by using manual arc welding is labor-intensive and low-productivity. Replacement of manual arc welding to mechanized flux-cored wires can significantly reduce the time spenton the renovations. However, at the current time the data on evaluation of thermal effects on the metal wall of the repaired pipeline by using welding flux-cored wires is not exist.
Materials and methods
Welding flux-cored wires.
Studies have shown that the replacement of manual arc welding on mechanizedflux-cored wires of the repaired the pipeline wall can significantly reduce the thermal effect on the metal in the repaired sector.
1. It is found that during welding flux-cored wires is observed: • a "cool down" effect that leading to adecreasing of heat input; • reducing the intensity of the heat input on the metal in the repaired sector. 2. It was made a hypothesis about the possibility of increasing the oil pressure during the pipeline repair by using welding flux-cored wires.
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defects in the pipeline wall welding flux cored wire