Accuracy evaluation of interpolational geological models

Konstantin E. Zakrevskiy JSC “NK “Rosneft” Moscow, Russian Federation
Viktor L. Popov JSC “TomskNIPIneft” Tomsk, Russian Federation
The results of numerical calculations, based upon synthetic digital geological models, are presented in the article. The methodology for constructing synthetic geological models and variations of source data are also described in the article. The influence quantity on the variance of the source data on the accuracy of well data interpolation in the interwell space were analyzed by the author.
Materials and methods
Numerical calculations, based upon synthetic models.
According to the test report, the forecast error of the reservoir follows the same law, reaching a maximum at 0,5 and decreasing to the NTG magnitude from 1 to 0. Besides, the standard error of the reservoir forecast was calculated, taking into account the NTG magnitude; the relation between the errorand other different factors, that can influence on the parameter, was determined.
The significant influence of the complex parameter R/L on the reservoir error interpolation in the interwell space was determined on the basis of calculations. The parameter R/L registers the reservoir lateral sand continuity and the density of observations (well coverage). The critical value of R/L (1,5 and 5), describing error function forecast ?, was determined. The fact allows to plan the realization of 3D seismic exploration work or densening of well pattern to reduce the number of empty holes of the field, taking into account the variance of reservoirs (R) at the drilled part of the oilfield or the ideal analogue.
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variogram horizontal range distance variance wells NTG