Key Advantages of IEP for Factory Automation

Anastasia E. Babintseva UralKomplektEnergoMash Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Design and high quality materials. For qualityToday the question of process automation is one of the most urgent in all areas of production. And, of course, the emerging trend is being sparedthe sphere of oil production and processing. This is due to the fact that this area specialists often work in places where human presence is dangerous to health protection, subject to the threat of explosions, difficult to access areas, aggressive environments, dusty field, vibrations, etc. Solution of such problems is the executive power mechanisms (IEP ), which provide complete auto mation and smooth operation processes. Electric Linear Actuators IEP designed for sustained move elements of machines, structures.
Materials and methods
Mechanisms of electrical linear actuators. Routine periodically.
Using MEP allows you to manage manufacturing processes autonomously : work performed by supplying a signal emanating from the devices. Thus, the actuators perform several functions: regulatory, supervisory and control.
All of the above benefits of operating mechanisms are due to process automation simpleand reliability actuators meets Russia's only producer MEP - Plant Siberia mechatronics (UralKomlektEnergoMash - supplier factory in the Urals), which for the third decade of creating high-tech mechanisms in order to make a significant contribution to the solution of urgent problems - the needs of the Russian industrial complex production automation using MEP.
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