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Энергообеспечение ОАО «Татнефть»

... «Татнефть-Энергосервис». It is impossible to imagine production in the world without power supply now. Today this direction has enormous outlook, develops dynamically and effectively, masters most modern technologies and equipment. In "Tatneft" joint-stock company forward development and improvement of a power complex is in a zone of close attention of the management. Considering a late stage of development of oil fieldswhentheshare of a power consumption in cost of ton of ...

Изменен: 27.09.2019
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Самоориентируемый децентратор для спуска параллельных колонн труб в скважину

... of columns in the bent sections of shaft of borehole with the layout by that swivelled detsentrator of the construction «NPT AloilServis». Is given the information about the use of swivelled detsentrator in NGDU «Elkhovneft» joint stock company «Tatneft». А.А.ИШМУРЗИН А.Г.ХАБИБРАХМАНОВ И.Д.ВАХИТОВ А.Л.ЖЕЛОНКИН Р.Г.САДЫКОВ A.A.ISHMURZIN A.G.KHABIBRAHMANOV I.D.VAKHITOV A.L.ZHELONKIN R.G.SADYKOV

Изменен: 27.09.2019
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