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Кислый гудрон как перспективное сырье для получения нефтепромысловых реагентов

... synthesis of a new reagent and the definition of its physico-chemical properties. Results A new cheap oil field reagent a wide spectrum of action of the large-tonnage waste of petrochemical industry had been obtained. Сonclusions It is revealed, that the recycling of acid tar with the receipt of reagents for oil industry is a perspective direction of waste recycling , and new reagent has a sufficiently high oil recovery and demulsifying ability. А.А. Никитина А.С. Беляева Р.В....

Изменен: 27.09.2019
Путь: Главная / Статьи
Получение сажи как один из способов утилизации ПНГ

... дополнительно требует очистку от сернистых соединений. Поэтому ПНГ предварительно необходимо очистить от H 2S. Abstract The article covers the points of oil-associated gas recycling. The latest ways for oil-associated gas recycling are presented. As one of the way for recycling is presented a method of technical carbon production from oil-associated gas. Materials and methods Engineering solutions for APG recycling at ...

Изменен: 27.09.2019
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