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Палеогеографические реконструкции по данным литолого-петрографического и гранулометрического анализов пород пластов Б12 1 и Б12 2 Гураринско-соболиного нефтяного месторождения (Томская область)

... quantitative granulometric-mineralogical analysis data of thin sections, the following steps were conducted: paleodynamic reconstruction, investigation of debris and cement mineralogical composition and determination of post-sedimentation alterations of terrigenous rocks. It was established that the sediments of layers B12 1 and B12 2 were formed in the coastal environment along offshore bars, barrier islands and rip current gullies. Т.Г.ПЕРЕВЕРТАЙЛО T.G.PEREVERTAILO

Изменен: 27.09.2019
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