Study of the change the depth of the zone of thermal softening in the repair corrosion damage to pipelines by welding or flux-cored

Vasily A. Rybin Tyumen State Oil and gas University Tyumen, Russia
Studies have shown that in the repair of corrosion damage to the pipe wall by welding, there is extensive thermal heating. During the research it was found that the depth of the zone of thermal softening depends onthe effective heat capacity and the speed of the heat source and the thickness of the metal.
Materials and methods
Based on the data of the experiment we have developed a computer model showing the distribution of heat over the cross section of the metal in the cladding zone.
Was obtained mathematical model allowing to determine the depth of the zone of weakening of the metal of the pipe wall depending on the influence of factors such as the speed and the heat output of the heat source and the thickness of the metal.
1. Studies have shown that a significant influence on the change in the depth of the zone of thermal softening of the metal of the pipe wall during the repair welding render the moving speed of the heat sourceand the speed and thickness of the pipe wall.
2. Developed a computer model showing the intensity distribution of heat across the section of pipe, the repair of corrosion damage of the cladding.
3. The mathematical model can be used in the calculation of load capacity of pipe in the repair of corrosion damage of the cladding.
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oil pipelines corrosion damage surfacing