The use of peat in Western Siberia for energy through using of technology hydromechanized

Sergey M. Shtin Zavod Gidromekhanizatsii Rybinsk, Russian Federation
Technology of production of milled peat, the most common by far, is entirely dependent on the drying conditionsand the weather conditions that determine the natural drying process, and photodestruction carbohydrate complex has a significant impact on the transformation of organic matter peat. Peat dried in vivo thermally unstable and has a reduced carbohydrate content. Significant losses of carbohydrates, aswell as their transformation into deposits of peat after drainage during drying, cleaning and storage require subsequent re-evaluation of the quality of produced raw materials. Existing technologies peatobsolete. Today calls for the introduction of new resource-saving technologies of extraction and processing of peat, which would have significantly reduced theloss of peat quality of raw materials and provided high quality peat products for power generation.
On the third or fourth years, thereis formed in the quarry, biocenosis, which gives the opportunity to use it for commercial purposes, for example to obtain marketable fish.
With all the technological complexityof the development of flooded peat deposits jetting method - a technology that is at the minimum environmental interventions remains the most positivefeatures biogeosfernye wetlands as natural ecological niches for the conservationand development of biodiversity. The technology, which create opportunities for the process of accumulation of water and its desalination. And also provides a high-quality peat products for power generation.
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hydromechanization granulating and dispersing dewatering technology peat pressing pellets peat thermal power plan